Take a look at answers to common excavation, septic and water system questions, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to call Al Heald & Sons Ltd.
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Q: How do you complete a soil test?
A: The soil sample is supposed to be taken from the area where you propose to build the septic field. The soil sample is taken by drilling or excavating a hole in the ground to 39 inches. Take a pound of material from the bottom of the hole and place it in a ziplock bag. Provincial inspectors will also want to know the depth to an impermeable layer. This is important and can usually be identified by the change from top soil to clay.
Take the soil sample to:
1357 Dugald Rd
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2J 0H3
Phone: (204) 233-4099
Request a septic field analysis and pay the fee of approximately $115.00 In about 5 days they will send the results to you. They can also email the results to our company.
Q: What information is required to quote on a septic system?
A: People ask for a quote on a septic system but do not give us any information. The most important item required is a soil test. The results of the soil test indicate how much effluent can be successfully applied to the ground. This is called the application rate. This information dictates the type of septic field that can be built according to provincial regulations. Any permit to build a septic field must be accompanied by a soil test report.
The size of the septic field is determined by the estimated daily sewage flow. In Manitoba, the estimated daily sewage flow is 110 gallons per bedroom per day. So, a three-bedroom house will have an estimated daily sewage flow of 330 gallons and so on. By using the application rate and the daily effluent flow we can determine how many square feet the field must cover. (The daily sewage flow is also used to determine the septic tank size) Now we can begin to design and cost a septic system.
Information that is required to price a septic system.
- Lot size in Acres and boundary measurements?
- Does the house have a basement (with a crawl space) or just a crawl space or concrete slab?
- The number of bedrooms in the house?
- What is the address or location of the build?
- Is this new construction or replacement?
Please refer to “How do you complete a soil test” in this section for details on soil tests. You can do the soil test, or we can do it for you. Costs are involved if we do the test.
Q: When do we get involved in a build?
A: We like to be involved prior to the site plan being developed.
We want to answer questions and make suggestions about well, tank and
septic field locations.